
Monday, December 15, 2014

My Favorite Albums of 2014

When we do year-end music lists in December we all become these guys

If you're a big fan of music, books, or movies then year-end lists are like the best and worst thing about December every year next to Christmas and the predictable title-less end to another Eagles season. Part of me hates the notion of boiling down an entire year into a top 20 or top 10 or whatever, but still I usually skim most of these lists to see if there are any new albums I missed out on during the year. And these lists are everywhere. And some begin getting published in November, which seems a little weird to me with roughly 9% of the year still left. But that's fine, I guess the writers of these lists just ignore everything that comes out after Thanksgiving or they have advance copies of everything they think they may like.

And then what do you call your dumb list? "The best...."?  "The top...."? I used to do that, but now I think I've settled on "My favorite...." That's what the list is. I probably listened to more new music this year than any other year in my life. Just scanning my 2014 playlist on iTunes I count nearly 1600 songs on there, which translates into roughly 160 albums - or more likely 110-120 albums with lots of EPs and singles and one-offs.

It was a pretty eventful year of music pilgrimages attending SXSW, seeing the Replacements in St. Paul along with dozens of great local shows.

[Just shut up and tell everyone what albums you liked]

OK, so anyway click through below (page views!!) to check out my favorite albums of 2014:

1      2      3      4      5      6      7